Saturday, February 25, 2012

the rich need the poor
and the successful need the failures
because one cannot be defined without the other

in other words
only when you see someone who i think is a failure compared to you
do you feel good about myself

where there is one god, there can be many

stratification along an axis = strategy
strategy + parts = purusha or superorganism
parts  = agents/ cogs/ atoms / prakriti/ reflex nature

conformity enforcers - job is to ensure the agents play their part as cogs.
they do this by fear, greed, deception or programming.
programming is replacing the good / bad value system in an agent to one that is conducive to the strategy


it's good to be on the other side of the stratification or strategy. more resources
those who decide strategy , do so only after taking into account the reduction of resources appropriated for their own luxury.

some strategies, like a huge monastic order defining 'moral' good and bad for the 'masses'
(there are only individuals, there are no masses , for morals see smullyvan-tao)
works on a larger scale because of the programmed monks carrying the programming ofr the rest of masses can pervade a larger area than an unprogrammed guilt-free leonardo inspiring  a neighbour to investigate science ...

so why lisp ? 1. it brings nature down to the grasp of man makes man a computing being , rather than an cog in an engineering department.

Monday, February 20, 2012


super organisms as models which persist into the next generation
with sub organisms at some sort of nash equilibrium

games criminals play, complimenting is a weapon - engages ego (gallwey?)
 influence -cialdini
influence of negs .

zen, inner mind/outer mind +gallwey
gallwey orange ball bounce hit texture color feel as it hits the racket - takuan keep the mind
".. so the shoguns gave them the choicest lands ...." - alan watts

life as a hoax - double bind, drop out/hermits,
 newborns  -  probation, here kitty kitty, hoax

wikipedia on double bind is interesting !! connects cybernetics..

design for a brain

the immortal soul as a place to keep 'mind' and so as to gallwey the self ...

weights and running keep burning energy till the next day
running puts oxygen
open spaces opens minds

kalman filters - driverless cars

dopewars and warehouses

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

in a super organism built of moving parts and division of labour, it is the priests' job
to play meta. see what is good for the super entity and translate that into 'good' for the masses (usually , by running a monopoly on joy and happiness for the masses).

the priests were the brain. they pay rest of the body in dopamine. or access to god.

of course , typically entities aim to keep themselves alive first. hence the brain is okay with sacrificing limbs in order to stay alive. just as the capitalist is okay with sacrificing towns and communities by shutting down a plant in order to save a number on his P&L statement.

groups of agents tend to morph into a super-entity, in which each agent has some loss of freedom and identity.

we are humans every now and then. and borg agents every now and then.

the output of science is axioms to engineering.
we are doomed we cut funding to science and if our axioms stop working tomorrow.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

subcultures are _'different'_

when subcultures join the mainstream, it happens by adoption of the artifacts of that subculture as abstractions, by and into the mainstream.

the subculture then, effectively, is destroyed.

subcultures are assimilated by increasing the (or dumbing down the ) levels of its abstractions