Monday, February 20, 2012


super organisms as models which persist into the next generation
with sub organisms at some sort of nash equilibrium

games criminals play, complimenting is a weapon - engages ego (gallwey?)
 influence -cialdini
influence of negs .

zen, inner mind/outer mind +gallwey
gallwey orange ball bounce hit texture color feel as it hits the racket - takuan keep the mind
".. so the shoguns gave them the choicest lands ...." - alan watts

life as a hoax - double bind, drop out/hermits,
 newborns  -  probation, here kitty kitty, hoax

wikipedia on double bind is interesting !! connects cybernetics..

design for a brain

the immortal soul as a place to keep 'mind' and so as to gallwey the self ...

weights and running keep burning energy till the next day
running puts oxygen
open spaces opens minds

kalman filters - driverless cars

dopewars and warehouses


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