Thursday, September 07, 2006

the 21st century medieval

Anne : Then, why are we going backwards ?
Dr. H : Because we've run out of DDT. The peasants and medievals who immigrated into our Age a generation ago are now calling the shots and re-shaping it the only way they know. Excuse me if I turn green while they drag civillization into a swamp with 21st century technology and 4th century minds.

Chomsky on Middle-Earth politics

neat little piece of work. Here

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

System of a Down

is a Hollywood based alternative metal band comprising four Armenians-descent guys with cool beards and political/social opinion.
Their lead vocalist , Serj Tankian, wrote an essay called 'Understanding Oil' which is a look at possible justification behind 9/11 . Sony had it removed from the band's official website.
The essay is here

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Noam Chomsky article

according to this, America is still imperialist ...


has a blame-uncle-sam flavor, but applies to all, really
video on youtube

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Neal Stephenson talk