Friday, December 28, 2007

dark tools

"And it all meant this: that there are hardly any excesses of the most crazed psychopath that cannot easily be duplicated by a normal, kindly family man who just comes in to work every day and has a job to do"
-Terry Pratchett, Small Gods

Thursday, December 27, 2007

welcome to the matrix

Before the marketers bring forth our collective doom , please read these

general theory and examples
Against His-story, against Leviathan
Organising by humans always creates a super-being which takes a life of its own

Chomsky on Adam Smith
Adam Smith DID say that if you keep making pins , you'll end up as dumb as one

the why of things
Giles Bowkett: Gangs are bad for you
Unrelated superficial topic, very relevant underlying pattern, altogether brilliant

so what breaks ?
Jared Diamond : Mankind's worst mistake
Should'nt have come down the trees ... almost
more of the same

what else goes wrong
Story of stuff
Rape of the Earth for dummies

Better times before 'Civillization'
the original affluent society
Benjamin Franklin article

The Turning Around
Primitive living
a little more extreme manual

weaning yourself away- one article
simple dollar
lessons from growing up wihtout power,dedicated cable or telephones

Also see, (Alvin Toffler preferrably first)
Collapse of Complex Societies ,Joseph Tainter
Small is beautiful , E F Schumacher
The Third Wave, Alvin Toffler
War and peace and war, Peter Turchin
Articles on

PROUT : the Indian Schumacher ?


do you care indiscriminately ?
or do you choose who lives, free of concern ?

Friday, December 21, 2007

General Policy

"There's lots more poor folk than rich folk and it's easier to get money out of 'em"
-Gunilla Goodmountain, in The Truth by Terry Pratchett

Suggested Reading : Chapter 7 Against His-story, Against Leviathan, by Fredy Perlman

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

learning tip

Compartmentalized learning is an exercise in insanity

free-market paradox

All natural resources which are not owned by corporates with lawyers and political connections will eventually be so.
Any natural resource which can be provided free as an essential but can also be marketed as a premium product will be marketed, as more and more premium products will drive out cheap functional products.
Mankind will be caught up in a race to steal nature out of the mouths of some unknown demographic in order to sell it as a 'lifestyle' product to some other demographic
eventually, the free-market will be able to charge you for the simple privilege of letting you stay alive**

** isn't it so already, to a major extent ?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

tool update

We have Talons and Predators ...
we have synthetic exo-skeletons giving soldiers super powers ..
we have insect robots to colonize the moon . We have the next generation of kids ready to be brought up on robot kits.
We can't give peace a chance, who'll pay for all those toys then ....
How long before Skynet ? or will we torch the skies ? will the tools of control and dominion learn too much ?

The future wars will be built by the mechatronic geeks and run by the Counter-Strike teams