stratification along an axis = strategy
strategy + parts = purusha or superorganism
parts = agents/ cogs/ atoms / prakriti/ reflex nature
conformity enforcers - job is to ensure the agents play their part as cogs.
they do this by fear, greed, deception or programming.
programming is replacing the good / bad value system in an agent to one that is conducive to the strategy
it's good to be on the other side of the stratification or strategy. more resources
those who decide strategy , do so only after taking into account the reduction of resources appropriated for their own luxury.
some strategies, like a huge monastic order defining 'moral' good and bad for the 'masses'
(there are only individuals, there are no masses , for morals see smullyvan-tao)
works on a larger scale because of the programmed monks carrying the programming ofr the rest of masses can pervade a larger area than an unprogrammed guilt-free leonardo inspiring a neighbour to investigate science ...
so why lisp ? 1. it brings nature down to the grasp of man makes man a computing being , rather than an cog in an engineering department.