Friday, December 11, 2009

analysis of the day

To start off, let's get you something to read that is not too long ... it also should set the tone of what's to come.

now for some heavy lifting

Jared Diamond : Mankind's worst mistake

This site ( does have some interesting viewpoints ... especially
'The Original Affluent Society' (
as well as 'Language is the problem' and 'Running on emptiness' (

some candy

The following are not so anti-system

DeLanda is a superstar intellectual ...

Joseph Tainter has written a huge dry book on Collapse of societies, but his theory of dimishing returns is very believable

I'm not decided on whether Chomsky is a fraud or not yet ,but this piece highlights what is (probably) wrong with today's economic model

generally interesting :

General Disclaimer :
I tend to doubt anything or anybody who claims to solve 'all'

Monday, December 07, 2009

diy = swadeshi

dissident peoples should start indigenous movements
like M.Gandhi's Swadeshi movement
this will slice up the global inflation problem
is anyone doing this yet ?

of course, complete boycott of the outside
will lead to a climb-down on the evolution ladder