Before the marketers bring forth our collective doom , please read these
general theory and examples
Against His-story, against LeviathanOrganising by humans always creates a super-being which takes a life of its own
Chomsky on Adam SmithAdam Smith DID say that if you keep making pins , you'll end up as dumb as one
the why of things
Giles Bowkett: Gangs are bad for youUnrelated superficial topic, very relevant underlying pattern, altogether brilliant
so what breaks ?
Jared Diamond : Mankind's worst mistakeShould'nt have come down the trees ... almost
more of the same[f.s.on]
what else goes wrong
Story of stuffRape of the Earth for dummies
Better times before 'Civillization'
the original affluent societyBenjamin Franklin article The Turning Around
Primitive livinga little more extreme manualweaning yourself away- one article
simple dollarlessons from growing up wihtout power,dedicated cable or telephones
Also see, (Alvin Toffler preferrably first)
Collapse of Complex Societies ,Joseph Tainter
Small is beautiful , E F Schumacher
The Third Wave, Alvin Toffler
War and peace and war, Peter Turchin
Articles on
PROUT : the Indian Schumacher ?